Implementing European restructuring
Implementing European restructuring, Pharma group, Europe, 3500 employees.
- Integration exercise after a takeover, at European level
- The European HQ in Belgium are moved to Switzerland
- There will also be a restructuring in 6 support services
- The group management has no experience at all with such an exercise

- 12 countries are involved in the restructuring
- All legal obligations must be strictly observed
- Synchronization of the announcement is a critical success factor
- Several work sessions with the integration team show that the company has no experience whatsoever with an integration process and all the related legal and social aspects.
- Square Circle is appointed as the driving force of the entire integration plan at European level (12 countries involved) for industrial relations, communication, people, change and crisis management.
- Preparation of a Road Map Masterplan based on our Road Map tool for restructuring.
- Allows you to prepare and monitor all aspects of the integration exercise.
- On this basis, we involve the local HR to draw up their own Road Map under the supervision of Square Circle.
- Organised approx. 80 work sessions to draw up and monitor the entire plan.
- Gave approx. 30 trainings on dealing with change, communication in difficult times across Europe and communicating convincingly.
- SQC organises the Social Crisis Masterclass in 3 potentially critical countries.
- Announcement went perfectly according to plan
- Social relationships have not been harmed. Much care has been taken to ensure transparency and to maintain confidence in the preparation of the restructuring.
- Information and consultations with trade unions went smoothly in all countries where these procedures had to be followed.
- The integration team and management have identified the approach as the main success factor in the successful integration.
- The integration went according to plan.
- Uncertainty among employees is kept to a minimum.
- Management has also emerged stronger.