Our signature workshops
We readily design bespoke training solutions tailored to suit your business. Our proven training methodologies empower your people to improve performance across a whole range of management and leadership skills, from time management to leading a crisis. Our approach is 100% results driven, and based on our extensive experience.
New Leader Assimilation Program
Give yoursel and your team a flying start by speeding up the “getting to know you” process for both sides and set the foundations for success.
Self Managed Learning for HR Business Partners - 2 Levels
Discover how powerful it can be to learn with and from others that face similar challenges as you have.
Self Managed Learning for Leaders - 3 Levels
Discover how powerful it can be to learn with and from others that face similar challenges as you have.
Communication skills for leaders
Communication in uncertain times
Media Training
Professional management of your communication with the media in all circumstances.
Results Roadmap™ for Teams
“Begin with the end in mind” and build a Results Roadmap™ that helps you or your team successfully achieve a pre-determined common goal.
Crisis Communication Masterclass
Managing expectations when reality becomes a threat.
Operational Crisis Management
Be prepared to lead your organization through an operational crisis.
Communication in uncertain times
Keeping teams operational during a restructuring or a major change.
1 hour interactive training for all team leaders. How to communicate with employees during transformation projects that bring uncertainties? How to keep teams operational during major changes? The training is based on Square Circle clients’ field experience over the past 25 years. Practical advice that can be applied immediately to learn how best to deal with and manage employees’ individual situations. By communicating appropriately, we avoid the often humanly devastating effects of uncertainty.
Who should attend?
Executive committee, middle management and anyone in charge of a team
Learning Outcomes
- Understanding how humans react to change
- Effectively managing each cycle of change
- Supporting each employee according to his or her own personality
- Keeping the team operational and committed
- Contribute to the preparation of the next steps
Training Outline
- Explanation of the change curve and how to deal with each cycle
- In the event of change with people impact : context, challenges, legal implications (if appropriate)
- Practical advice: what to do according to each situation?
- Questions & answers, interactive discussion
Alliance International, Allnex, AMP, Agence et Messagerie de la Presse, Astellas Pharma Belgium, Barco, Bekaert, Becton Dickinson, Damart, Doosan, D’Ieteren, Douwe Egberts, Friesland Campina, Henrad, Ingersoll Rand EMEA, Keter Curver, Lagardère Retail Travel, L’Oréal, Läntmannen, LSG Sky Chef, Magotteaux, Mondelez, Plastic Omnium, Struik Foods, UCB, Unigro, Vesuvius
Results Roadmap™ for Teams
“Begin with the end in mind” and build a Results Roadmap™ that helps you or your team succesfully achieve a pre-determined common goal.
Based on some insights from Neuroscience, we use the Results Roadmap™ approach to map with you/your team the critical path that will work best to achieve their specific challenge and desired outcome. At the end of this work session, the action plan is ready and you know perfectly well what is going to help you or your team to execute it successfully.
Who should attend?
- The Results Roadmap™ can be used in the context of personal development, career planning, as a support to individual challenges and to achieve professional or personal goals.
- The Results Roadmap™ can be used as part of a coaching process or as a supporting tool for any situation where one wants to work towards a predetermined result or change. This approach can be supervised completely individually or in a group setting where each participant in this case works on their own specific objectives.
- Companies and organizations can use the Results Roadmap™ within all kinds of programs such as transformation and change initiatives, reorganizations, mergers, alignment and implementation of strategic objectives, career development, team building, …
- The Results Roadmap™ can also be used by individual teams who want to work towards a predefined result or change. This can be a team objective to be achieved, an evolution or change to be implemented, a strengthening of the collaboration, an important initiative to be carried out, a new work organization, …
Learning Outcomes
- The Results Roadmap™ method is a powerful tool that takes into account the difficulties associated with change.
- Starting from a predetermined challenge or collective result that you want to achieve, we guide you, your team or your organisation through a number of steps that will help you map the actions that you will undertake to reach this desired result.
- In a structured way, you are supported in exploring the possible options and mapping the helping factors to successfully achieve the result. But also the obstacles, the potentially obstructive habits and other underlying factors that can make the road ahead difficult are brought to the surface. In this way you build a realistic plan of approach that takes into account the ups and downs on the road to success.
- By using this method you not only create clarity around the best path to take to achieve your result, but also a strong motivation and positive energy to take the next steps and get started effectively.
- In a structured way, the team is guided in exploring the possible options and mapping the helping factors to successfully achieve the result. But also the obstacles, the potentially obstructive habits within the team and other underlying factors that can make the road ahead difficult are brought to the surface. In this way the team builds a realistic plan of approach that takes into account the ups and downs on the road to success.
- Through this approach, you create commitment in the team around the result or change to be achieved. Building the Results Roadmap™ together leads to a strong momentum where you can build on the positive energy that is created, to take next steps and keep the movement going.
Training Outline
- The Results Roadmap™ method is applied in an individual or team work session supervised by a certified facilitator.
- This work session can be organized face to face (2,5h) or virtually (3h).
- The session can take place in a one on one setting or in a larger group, where each participant then works individually on their own specific objective.
- The Results Roadmap™ method is applied in a workshop with the team (or multiple teams) guided by a certified facilitator.
- The face to face workshop takes 4 hours, there is the possibility of a more elaborate version for specific team situations (the most appropriate formula will be discussed beforehand).
- The workshop can also be organized virtually, split up in 2 sessions.
- Project developer: workshops with several working groups that were assigned to develop a motivating – and realistic action plan to support the achievement of the company’s mid-term ambitions
- Talent Program in an industrial company: each participant in the Talent Program developed their own actionplan using the Results Roadmap™ methodology around achieving the desired career objectives.
What results do you want to achieve this year?
Build a Results Roadmap ™ that helps you or your team succesfully achieve pre-determined common goal.
Watch our webinar and contact us!
Communication skills for leaders
Strengthen your convincing power, develop your management talents, ensure leadership for good, valorizing and convincing communication.
In order to implement future projects successfully, one usually has to have a higher level of interaction and communication than what one did in the past! The talents and skills in the field of communication will be more strategic than ever to mobilize and motivate employees, to realize the projects: to take the teams into the change, to manage the resistances and uncertainties that slow down the transformations, to evolve opinions, behaviors and attitudes
Who should attend?
This workshop is addressed to all those leading a team.
Learning Outcomes
- Strengthening your communication skills and competences
- Better control of your wokring environment
- Strategic management skills important for your evolution
- Strengthening your powers of persuasion and mobilizing your team
Training Outline
Theoretical part : Key elements to convince (45 minutes)
- How does our brain work when it is questioned?
- What process does it use to reach a decision?
- How to use this process to convince when communicating?
- How to make the link with the 3 types of arguments that are the power of leadership communication?
- Build up communication when one had 3, 10, 30 minutes to convince
- How to manage non-verbal communication, knowing that it is more than 50% of the convincing power?
- How to integrate the principles of leadership communication into written communication?
Practical part: INTERACTIVE EXERCISES (3 hours)
- Translating theoretical knowledge into practice by means of 2 presentations, each evaluated and discussed by the participants and the trainer
- Feedback and individual coaching on non-verbal communication
- After the workshop, each participant can call on the trainers to “test” their next communication in order to perfect their training.
- 1h5 @HOME (video & preparation)
- 2 HOURS @ONSITE (face to face coaching exercise & practice)
AGC Automotive Europe, Capsugel, Equans, D’Ieteren, Barco, British Telecom Benelux, Becton Dickinson (BD Europe), Ingersoll Rand, Sabca, Telenet
Media Training
Professional management of your communication with the media in all circumstances.
The media play a leading role in creating opinions that can influence people’s behaviour. The media world has its own rules that have little to do with conventional ways of thinking. A company, an organization cannot ignore the media. The media can ignore the company. They can also hurt it voluntarily or involuntarily.
Who should attend?
CEO, CFO, COO, HRM, Communication, Marketing & Sales
Learning Outcomes
- Get a new realistic view of a journalist’s world
- Formulate powerful messages that reach their target
- Master your non- verbal communication
- Use an efficient technique to get your messages across (TV, Radio, Written media)
Training Outline
Theoretical Part (1 hour)
- How does media work?
- How is news constructed?
- Briefings
- Formulating your messages with a specific technique
- By using the interview grid, preparing live interview, formulating the right messages
- Preparing together the media key messages
- Live interview before camera
- Individual coaching on non-verbal’s
ABInbev, Aertssen Groep, Alliance International, Antalis, Alcatel, Allnex, Alken-Maes, AMP, Agence et Messagerie de la Presse, APM terminals Zeebrugge, Arjowiggins, Astellas Pharma Belgium, AstraZeneca, Base, Barco, Bekaert, Becton Dickinson, Belgonucleaire, Belmedis, CASA International, CB Direct, Crown Plaza Brussels, Crown Cork, D’Ieteren, Damart, De Beers, Dexia, Doosan, Douwe Egberts, Duracell, Elco, Etam Belgium, Exxon Mobil Plastics Europe, Fedex, Friesland Campina, FIB Belgium, Flint Lessines, Gemplus, General Electric Capital, General Electric IMV, General Electric Power Control, Godiva, Honeywell Europe, Henkel, Henrad, Ingersoll Rand EMEA, Ineos, Imtech, Koninklijke Federatie van Belgische Notarissen, Keter Kurver, Kuwait Petroleum, Lagardère Retail Travel, L’Oreal, Lanxess, Lazer, LSG Sky Chef, Magotteaux, Mondelez, Nespresso, Ontex, Pharmacia, Phibro, Renolit, Sabca, Sabena Technics, Schulmann Plastics, Steigenberger Grand Hotel, Struik Foods, Strukton Rail Belgium, Tereos, Tessenderlo Chemie, TE Connectivity, Tupperware, Tyco, UCB, Vesuvius, Volkswagen Forest, Wallenius Wilhelmsen
Crisis Communication Masterclass
Managing expectations when reality becomes a threat.
Interactive master class of 1 day for the crisis team, up to a maximum of 10 people.
Through practical exercises and group interactivity, learn how to manage a crisis : process and content, including media. Crisis preparedness is tested on the basis of a real scenario that unfolds during the day. The participants work in small groups to deal with the incidents that occur during the exercise. The outcome of their work is evaluated and adjusted in groups. The participants also learn how to communicate with media based on a technique used in media training.
Who should attend?
Learning Outcomes
- How the crisis team works
- Application of crisis plan and business continuity plan
- Internal & external communication including interview technique (based on TV interviews)
- Communication with trade unions
- Individual coaching in the areas of both non-verbal and verbal communication
Training Outline
- Review of the main items of existing crisis plan, principles of crisis management
- Interacting with the media/external audiences
- Group work on an “unfolding story”
- Crisis plan preparation
- Drafting key messages
- Interview techniques
- Live interview of every participant
- Group learnings
Cytec, Becton Dickinson, Schulman, Tereos, Telenet, Makro, IFB The Health Network
Operational Crisis Management
Effective crisis management and crisis management planning can protect organizations against complete failure if/when disaster strikes. While it is closely linked to business continuity planning, the focus of “crisis management” is narrower, referring to the timespan from the moment of discovery of a severe incident to its effective resolution.
This course analyses sudden onset crises and slow onset crises caused by internal and external issues. Participants will learn about different types of crises, the key elements of crisis management, how to prepare a crisis management plan and how to fit this with business continuity plans. Practical guidance includes how and when to put a crisis management plan into action, methods for determining risk as a basis for crisis management plans, the use of communication platforms and decision-making techniques.
Who should attend?
C-suite leadership and leadership with operational oversight, risk managers, internal audit, cyber security professionals, IT security manager.
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the different types of business crisis
- Understand and apply different crisis management models
- Build a crisis management strategy
- Build an effective crisis management team
- Adapt your crisis management team to multiple locations and business lines
- Make better decisions in a crisis context
- Perform a high-level assessment of your organization’s vulnerabilities
Training Outline
The main topics covered in the training include:
- Crisis management models and their applicability to specific types of operational crises
- Tools, techniques and checklists
- Decision making under duress
- Crisis leadership
- Crisis Tabletop Simulation Case
Cyber Crime Units across Europe (law enforcement) though the C1b3rWall Academy, Engie (Europe & HQ) and multiple executive counseling sessions with CIO – COO.
New Leader Assimilation Program
Give yourself and your team a flying start by speeding up the “getting to know you” process for both sides and set the foundation for success.
Our New Leader Assimilation Program is designed to help leaders settle into a new role and accelerates the development of the working relationship between the leader and his/her direct reports. New Leader Assimilation reduces the uncertainties linked to a new relationship and accelerates the development of mutual trust and commitment.
Who should attend?
- Managers taking over a new team or leadership assignment in the company
- New managers coming in from within or from the outside of the company
- All management levels and all degrees of leadership experience
Learning Outcomes
- You will learn about the dynamics and communication styles in the team, discuss expectations and priorities, current state, goals and impending future state
- You will begin to build a credible basis for a longer-term working relationship, and;
- Lay the foundation for open communications through the process
Training Outline
- 1/2 day program (with option to follow through on specific topics in later team sessions or leader coaching)
- An interactive, facilitated process that accelerates early bonding and energizes the team
- During this workshop, the platform is provided to the new manager and his/her team to develop a first understanding of their respective operating styles and business priorities so that they can quickly work together to effectively address important business needs and issues
- Through this program expectations and preferences are clarified and a strong foundation for success for the new leader and the team is being created
- Prepares the ground for the manager to define and begin to implement his/her own business strategy
Umicore : New Leaderhip Assimilation workshop in a highly experienced team where one of the team members recently became the new leader of the team.
Speed-up the "getting to know" process with your team
Build a credible basis for a longer-term working relationship and accelerate the development of mutual trust and commitment.
Self Managed Learning for HR Business Partners – 2 Levels
Discover how powerful it can be to learn with and from others that face similar challenges as you have.
Self Managed groups are organised inter and intra company around common themes and for several target groups. In a facilitated group coaching setting, each participant learns how to handle specific challenges that are part of the HR Business Partnership, where the shared wisdom of the group is one of the main learning components.
A very practical, hands on approach, where the learning is immediately useful back in the workplace.
Who should attend?
- HR professionals that are growing into a new job as HR Business Partner and want to capture the benefits of being supported in the first months to make a successful start
- HR Business Partners with some experience (1-3 years) that want to continue to develop and enhance their HRBP skills based on practical situations, together with others in similar positions
Learning Outcomes
- Being an HR Business Partner brings new challenges every day: finding talents, supporting leaders in developing their teams, giving candid feedback, handling conflicts, supporting change, preparing a reorganisation, … Self Managed Learning is a powerful method to learn how to approach this, starting from your personal learning goals and using concrete situations you are facing in your professional life
- Each participant will bring on own topics in the HR field which results in a broad spectrum of learning topics that will be explored and turned into concrete options to take back with you
- Self Managed Learning fosters autonomy, personal responsibility and self-reliance
Training Outline
- Self Managed Learning combines individual and group-based learning, is work-experience based and career relevant
- In a facilitated group coaching setting, each participant learns how to handle specific HR challenges, where the shared wisdom of the group is one of the main learning components.
- After the start-up module (1 day), the group will meet 6 times in a timeframe of 6 months to work on HR topics they bring on from their own working situation and learn as individuals and as a team while doing so.
- You elevate your learning experience with an experienced SML Coach with 30 years of experience as an HR professional to maximize the impact
- Benefit from the double learning loop: learning a new method to reach your personal development goals AND developing your coaching skills asking powerful questions and learn about your own mindsets and thought patterns as you go through the process, which you will benefit from as a leader for the rest of your career
- Being a member of this small Learning Group, you grow your professional network that you can continue to tap into also after the training
Excell in your HR BP leadership
Experience the power of learning from and with others. Get “the coaching of your life” by HR professionals that face challenges similar to your own.
Self Managed Learning for Leaders – 3 Levels
Discover how powerful it can be to learn with and from others that face similar challenges as you have.
Self Managed Learning groups are organised inter and intra company around common themes and for several target groups. In a facilitated group coaching setting, each participant learns how to handle specific leadership challenges, where the shared wisdom of the group is one of the main learning components.
A very practical, hands on approach, where the learning is immediately useful back in the workplace.
Who should attend?
- Emerging leaders that want to prepare for a leadership role
- Newly Started Leaders that want to make a good start in their leadership journey and develop their leadership skills based on practical, work based situations
- Leaders with 2-3 years of experience that wish to continue their leadership development in certain areas, together with others in similar positions
Learning Outcomes
- Being a leader brings new challenges every day: setting priorities, giving and receiving feedback, handling conflicts, engaging your team, delegating, … Self Managed Learning is a powerful method to learn how to approach this, starting from your personal learning goals and using concrete situations you are facing in your professional life
- Each participants will bring on own topics in the leadership field which results in a broad spectrum of learning topics that will be explored and turned into concrete options to take back with you
- Self Managed Learning fosters autonomy, personal responsibility and self-reliance
Training Outline
- Self Managed Learning combines individual and group-based learning, is work-experience based and career relevant
- In a facilitated group coaching setting, each participant learns how to handle specific leadership challenges, where the shared wisdom of the group is one of the main learning components.
- After the start-up module (1 day), the group will meet 6 times in a timeframe of 6 months to work on leadership topics they bring on from their own working situation and learn as individuals and as a team while doing so.
- You elevate your learning experience with an experienced SML Group Coach to maximize the impact
- Benefit from the double learning loop: learning a new method to reach your personal development goals AND developing your coaching skills asking powerful questions and learn about your own mindsets and thought patterns as you go through the process, which you will benefit from as a leader for the rest of your career
- Being a member of this small Learning Group, you grow your professional network that you can continue to tap into also after the training
Automotive Industry : several self managed learning groups facilitated in Belgium and Sweden as part of a dedicated development track for Emerging Leaders
The power to learn with and from others
You learn a new method to reach your personal development goals AND simultaneously you are developing your coaching skills. You will benefit from this training for the rest of your career.