Improving overall performance, Temp agency, Belgium, 600 employees.
- In a declining market (economic crisis) staying profitable by making maximal use of the internal potential of the company.
- Involving employees in this as a driver of creativity and added value.

- Proving to the group that the Belgian subsidiary is able to evolve, even in a difficult market.
- This will allow future investments to flow from the group to Belgium in order to strengthen the position of the company.
CEO came into contact with socio-economic (SEAM) approach at another company where he was an independent director.
Horizontal and vertical diagnostics provide the following analysis:
1.High potential for hidden economic performance
2.Structural trouble spots between Sales and Support services that are paralysing
3.HQ employees lack commitment
4.Management is not really managing the employees
5.Training courses are of good quality but are not being used
6.Available tools and software could be used much more efficiently
7.Much enthusiasm among employees to participate in changes if management evolves
- Approach in steps
Step 1: 2 business units + HQ
Step 2: the 2 other business units
Step 3: Agencies.
- Calculation of the economic potential of energy optimisation
- Action plans by and for employees to tackle energy loss step-by-step
- SEAM tool used to activate the implementation of the strategy to all staff through priority action plans at all levels
- Provided training on management tools to better manage employees
- Training of internal “operators” to perpetuate the SEAM approach within the company
- Year 1 after the approach: company grows 8% (profit) while the market performs -2%, higher sales thanks to better and closer collaboration between teams and employees
- Hidden costs (energy loss) converted into economic added value: € 4.9 million
- Approach has led to a new organisational structure to better manage BUs
- Renewal in the management of the BUs has brought a breath of fresh air
- Company now has a management approach for continuously adapting to market evolutions
- Decision to further leverage SEAM to develop future potential