She is there, everywhere, at all times. She affects your private and professional life.
She is little known and little contested. Yet she consumes a lot of energy.
Her name? ENTROPY.
Entropy is a natural and irreversible phenomenon. The energy initially present in a system is transformed and ‘goes away’.
Entropy comes to us from physics but it is also perfectly visible in business.
To keep it simple: what is structured becomes de-structured, what is organized becomes disorganized, what is conceived becomes forgotten, continuously and naturally.
No one escapes this.
How do we fight against entropy? A few examples.
➡️ You want to encourage feedback in your team? Systematically put the topic on the agenda of your team meetings.
➡️ You want to reduce the number of accidents at work? After safety trainings, ask your employees to regularly review the situation on the floor in person with colleagues.
➡️ Are you starting a project? Consider “new blood” from the beginning if the project is going to be long and build up the “reserves” in the project team in time.
Fighting against entropy is within everyone’s reach.
1️⃣ Accept that it is universal and inescapable.
2️⃣ Make your colleagues aware of its existence.
3️⃣ You will be attentive to its effects on those around you and on yourself.
The Square Circle team guides people and organizations in growth, development and transformation. Supporting business dynamics is one of our great passions.